Biography - King Farouk

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Known as "the last of the Pharaohs", Farouk was the last King to rule in the land of the Nile. The era of monarchy and royalties ended up with him. July 23rd was the last day of the King’s rule in Alexandria. On the royal boat "Al Mahroussa", he sails with his family to Capri, and from there, he starts his journey into exile. This documentary entitled "Farouk Wal Manfa" (Farouk and the exile) starts from the end and works its way backwards. It compiles all the visual ele-ments, gathering hidden stories about the King and his extended family. What did his life in Ita-ly look like? What happened to Queen Nazli, Queen Farida and Queen Nariman? How did Prin-cess Fawzia, Princess Faiza, Princess Faika, Princess Fathia and Princess Fawkia live? Was he miserable, lonely, broken? How did he die? All those questions and more are raised and a lot of the enigma clarified in this unique documentary that was filmed in Cairo, Capri, Napoli, Rome, Geneva, Monte-Carlo, Paris, Los Angeles and Beirut. "Farouk Wal Manfa".

king, farouk, egypt, biography
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